Survey Now Open for Participation: The State of Chinese Americans; Joint Research Conducted by Columbia University and Committee of 100
Press Releases

Survey Now Open for Participation: The State of Chinese Americans; Joint Research Conducted by Columbia University and Committee of 100

13th October 2022


Linara Greenidge

Associate Dean, Communication Strategy, Development & Alumni Affairs

Columbia University

[email protected]


Charles Zinkowski

Senior Director of Marketing & Communications

Committee of 100

[email protected]

 New York, NY (October 13, 2022) — Columbia University, one of the world’s leading research universities, and Committee of 100, a non-profit membership organization of prominent Chinese Americans, today announced that its joint survey on “The State of Chinese Americans” is now open.

The joint research will provide much-needed data to shed light on the demographic, economic, health, and sociopolitical situations of the Chinese American population, and inform policymakers and the public on the status and needs of the community. The survey data will inform timely and responsive policies, programs, and services.

The nationwide survey will be conducted online in English, simplified Chinese, and traditional Chinese. All adults self-identifying of Chinese-ethnic origin and living in the United States are encouraged to participate in the anonymous survey here:  The research is carried out by researchers of the China Center for Social Policy at Columbia University School of Social Work and Committee of 100.


We are proud to be partnering with community organizations across the country in rolling out this survey. Our research teams completed a successful pilot study of the survey this summer, with the help of the Chinese-American Planning Council, Chinese American Women in Action, the Community Youth Center of San Francisco, and the U.S. Heartland China Association. Columbia and Committee of 100 invite additional organizations, community members, and interested groups to participate and partner in this critical research project, to amplify the voices of Chinese American communities nationwide. For more information on how you can become involved, please contact [email protected].

For more information on the survey, including an overview of the research project and the opportunity to engage in a Question and Answer session, we invite you to register for an informational webinar to be held on Thursday, November 3 from 1:00-2:00pm ET.


We are grateful for the participation and support of the Advisory Group members on this project listed below, whose knowledge and expertise across the fields of academia and civic engagement will serve to guide the project’s development and implementation:

  • Gordon H. Chang, Olive H. Palmer Professor in Humanities in the Department of History, Stanford University
  • Anla Cheng, Founder and CEO, The China Project
  • Deborah Davis, Professor Emerita of Sociology, Yale University
  • Wang Feng, Professor of Sociology, University of California Irvine
  • Kenneth Fong, Founder and Chairman, Kenson Ventures, LLC
  • Irwin Garfinkel, Mitchell I. Ginsberg Professor Emeritus of Contemporary Urban Problems in the Faculty of Social Work, Columbia University
  • Eugenia Lean, Professor of East Asian Languages and Culture and Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Columbia University
  • Ida Liu, Global Head, Citi Private Bank

We also wish to thank Kenson Ventures, LLC and Citi Private Bank for their generous help in the funding of this research.

About Columbia University

Columbia University is one of the world’s most important institutions in higher education. It has 17 undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools, four affiliated colleges and seminaries in Manhattan, and a wide array of research institutes and global centers around the world. More than 40,000 students, award-winning faculty, and professional staff define the University’s underlying values and commitment to pursuing new knowledge and educating informed, engaged citizens. Founded in 1754 as King’s College, Columbia is the fifth oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Visit

About Columbia University School of Social Work

Columbia University’s School of Social Work (CSSW) is a top-ranked school and the first social work school established in the United States. Since 1898, Columbia faculty and alumni have played a leading role in advancing the field of social work through scholarly and professional contributions. Visit

CSSW is one of 17 undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools, four affiliated colleges and seminaries in Manhattan, and a wide array of research institutes and global centers around the world. More than 40,000 students, award-winning faculty, and professional staff define the University’s underlying values and commitment to pursuing new knowledge and educating informed, engaged citizens. Founded in 1754 as King’s College, Columbia is the fifth oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Visit

About the Columbia China Center for Social Policy

The China Center for Social Policy is a hub for innovation and action on social welfare in China and for Chinese societies around the world. The center pursues a dual mission of research and education. Through impactful scholarship, the Center contributes to social policy debates in China and beyond. Visit

About Committee of 100

Committee of 100 is a non-profit U.S. leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, healthcare, and the arts focused on public policy engagement, civic engagement, and philanthropy. For over 30 years, Committee of 100 has served as a preeminent organization committed to the dual missions of promoting the full participation of Chinese Americans in all aspects of American life and constructive relations between the United States and Greater China. Visit

Connect with Columbia University and Committee of 100 on LinkedIn and Twitter:

Twitter: @ColumbiaSSW @Columbia @china_columbia


Twitter: @Committee100


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Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese



联系人 (SC)

聯絡人 (TC)


Linara Greenidge

Associate Dean, Communication Strategy, Development & Alumni Affairs

Columbia University

[email protected]


Charles Zinkowski

Senior Director of Marketing & Communications

Committee of 100

[email protected]





SC: 纽约州纽约市(2022 10 13 日) 世界领先的研究型大学之一哥伦比亚大学和由杰出美籍华人组成的非盈利组织百人会今天宣布:美国华人状况调查研究正式启动。

TC: 紐約州紐約市(2022 10 13 日) 世界領先的研究型大學之一哥倫比亞大學和由傑出美籍華人組成的非盈利組織百人會今天宣布:美國華人狀況調查研究正式啟動。

SC: 这项联合调查研究将对美国华人在人口、经济、健康等方面的特征以及他们在社会政治参与方面的经历提供急需的数据,旨在让决策者和公众更好地了解美国华人社区的状况与需求。 调查数据将为及时制定有效的对应政策、计划和服务提供依据。

TC: 這項聯合調查研究將對美國華人在人口、經濟、健康等方面的特徵以及他們在社會政治參與方面的經歷提供急需的數據,旨在讓決策者和公眾更好地了解美國華人社區的狀況與需求。調查數據將為及時制定有效的對應政策、計劃和服務提供依據。

SC: 这项全国性调查将使用英文、简体中文和繁体中文在线开展。 欢迎所有目前住在美国并自我认同为华裔的成年人通过 参与匿名调查。这项调查研究由哥伦比亚大学社会工作学院中国社会政策中心的研究人员开展。

TC: 這項全國性調查將使用英文、簡體中文和繁體中文在線進行。歡迎所有目前住在美國並自我認同為華裔的成年人通過 參與匿名調查。這項調查研究由哥倫比亞大學社會工作學院中國社會政策中心的研究人員開展。


SC: 合作伙伴

TC: 合作夥伴

SC: 我们很荣幸能与全美多家社区组织联手推动这项调查的开展。 今年夏天,我们的研究团队在华人策划协会(CPC)、美华妇女行动联盟(CAWA)、旧金山社区青年中心(CYC) 和美国中部美中协会(USHCA) 的帮助下,成功完成了这项研究的试调查。 哥伦比亚大学和百人会将邀请更多的组织、社区成员和团体参与这项重要研究,让更多的人听到全美华人社区的声音。 如果您想知道关于这项调查的更多信息,请联系 [email protected]

TC: 我們很榮幸能與全美多家社區組織聯手推動這項調查的進行。今年夏天,我們的研究團隊在華人策劃協會(CPC)、美華婦女行動聯盟(CAWA)、舊金山社區青年中心(CYC) 和美國中部美中協會(USHCA) 的幫助下,成功完成了這項研究的試調查。哥倫比亞大學和百人會將邀請更多的組織、社區成員和團體參與這項重要研究,讓更多的人聽到全美華人社區的聲音。如果您想知道關於這項調查的更多資訊,請聯繫 [email protected]

SC: 如果您想了解关于此调查的更多信息,包括研究项目的概览和参与问答环节的机会,我们诚邀您注册参与将于美国东部时间11 月 3 日(星期四)下午1点至2点 在线举行的信息分享会。

TC: 如果您想了解關於此調查的更多資訊,包括研究項目的概覽和參與問答環節的機會,我們誠邀您註冊參與將於美國東部時間11 月 3 日(星期四)下午1點至2點 在線舉行的資訊分享會。


SC: 致谢

TC: 致謝

SC: 我们诚挚感谢以下顾问组成员对此项目的参与和支持。他们的学识与专长涵盖多个学术及公民参与领域, 将为此项目的开展和实施提供持续的指导:

TC: 我們誠摯感謝以下顧問組成員對此項目的參與和支持。他們的學識與專長涵蓋多個學術及公民參與領域, 將為此項目的進行和實施提供持續的指導:

  • Gordon H. Chang, Olive H. Palmer Professor in Humanities in the Department of History, Stanford University
  • Anla Cheng, Founder and CEO, The China Project
  • Deborah Davis, Professor Emerita of Sociology, Yale University
  • Wang Feng, Professor of Sociology, University of California Irvine
  • Kenneth Fong, Founder and Chairman, Kenson Ventures, LLC
  • Irwin Garfinkel, Mitchell I. Ginsberg Professor Emeritus of Contemporary Urban Problems in the Faculty of Social Work, Columbia University
  • Eugenia Lean, Professor of East Asian Languages and Culture and Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Columbia University
  • Ida Liu, Global Head, Citi Private Bank

SC: 我们也由衷感谢Kenson Ventures,LLC和Citi Private Bank 对此研究的慷慨资助。

TC: 我們也由衷感谢Kenson Ventures,LLC和Citi Private Bank 對此研究的慷慨資助。

SC/TC: 关于哥伦比亚大学

SC: 哥伦比亚大学是全球最重要的高等学府之一,包括位于曼哈顿的 17 所本科、研究生和专业学院、四所附属学院和神学院、以及遍布全球的众多研究机构和全球中心。 超过4万名学生、杰出的师资团队和专业员工奠定了哥大致力于追求新知识和推动公民参与的基本价值观。 哥伦比亚大学前身为国王学院,成立于 1754 年,是美国历史上第五所最早成立的高等学府。 了解更多信息,请访问

TC: 哥倫比亞大學是全球最重要的高等學府之一,包括位於曼哈頓的 17 所本科、研究生和專業學院、四所附屬學院和神學院、以及遍布全球的眾多研究機構和全球中心。超過4萬名學生、傑出的師資團隊和專業員工奠定了哥大致力於追求新知識和推動公民參與的基本價值觀。哥倫比亞大學前身為國王學院,成立於 1754 年,是美國歷史上第五所最早成立的高等學府。了解更多資訊,請訪問


SC/TC: 关于哥伦比亚大学社会工作学院

SC: 哥伦比亚大学社会工作学院(CSSW)是一所一流的学院,也是美国最早成立的社会工作学院。 自 1898 年以来,哥伦比亚大学社会工作学院的教职员工和校友通过学术研究和专业贡献在推进社会工作领域发挥了引领作用。 了解更多信息,请访问

TC: 哥倫比亞大學社會工作學院(CSSW)是一所一流的學院,也是美國最早成立的社會工作學院。自 1898 年以來,哥倫比亞大學社會工作學院的教職員工和校友通過學術研究和專業貢獻在推進社會工作領域發揮了引領作用。了解更多資訊,請訪問

SC: CSSW 是位于曼哈顿的 17 所本科、研究生和专业学校、四所附属学院和神学院之一,也是以及遍布世界众多研究机构和全球中心之一。超过40,000名学生、屡获殊荣的教师和专业人员明确了大学的基本价值观和追求新知识和教育知情、公民参与的承诺。于1754 年成立,前身为国王学院的哥伦比亚大学是美国第五古老的高等学府。了解更多信息,请访问

TC: CSSW 是位於曼哈頓的 17 所本科、研究生和專業學校、四所附屬學院和神學院,以及遍布世界眾多研究機構和全球中心之一。超過40,000名學生、屢獲殊榮的教師和專業人員明確了大學的基本價值觀和追求新知識和教育知情、參與的公民的承諾。於1754 年成立,前身為國王學院的哥倫比亞大學是美國第五古老的高等學府。了解更多資訊,请访问。


SC/TC: 关于哥伦比亚大学中国社会政策中心

SC: 哥伦比亚大学中国社会政策中心是为创新和落实中国及全球华人社会的福利政策而创建的研究型机构,奉行研究和教育的双重使命。通过有影响力的学术研究,该中心为中国和世界各地的社会政策讨论与交流做出贡献。了解更多信息,请访问

TC: 哥倫比亞大學中國社會政策中心是為創新和落實中國及全球華人社會的福利政策而創建的研究型機構,奉行研究和教育的雙重使命。通過有影響力的學術研究,該中心為中國和世界各地的社會政策討論與交流做出貢獻。了解更多資訊,請訪問

SC/TC: 关于百人会

SC: 百人会是一所非盈利美国领导组织,由商界、政界、学术界、医疗保健和艺术各领域的杰出美籍华人组成,专注于公共政策、公民参与和慈善事业。 30 多年来,百人会一直致力于推动美籍华人全面参与美国生活及促进美国与大中华地区的建设性关系的双重使命。了解更多资讯,请访问

TC: 百人會是一所非營利美國領導組織,由商界、政界、學術界、醫療保健和藝術各領域的傑出美籍華人組成,專注於公共政策、公民參與和慈善事業。 30 多年來,百人會一直致力於推動美籍華人全面參與美國生活及促進美國與大中華地區的建設性關係的雙重使命。了解更多資訊,請訪問


SC: 通过 LinkedIn 和 Twitter 与哥伦比亚大学和人会联系:

TC: 通過LinkedIn 和 Twitter 與哥倫比亞大學和百人會聯絡:

Twitter: @ColumbiaSSW @Columbia @china_columbia


Twitter: @Committee100


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