Committee of 100 Expresses Support for Jewish Community Following Pittsburgh Killings
Press Releases

Committee of 100 Expresses Support for Jewish Community Following Pittsburgh Killings

28th October 2018

Contact: Frank H. Wu, President
[email protected] or 212-371-6565

Committee of 100 Expresses Support for Jewish Community Following Pittsburgh Killings


(New York, NY, October 28, 2018) – The Committee of 100 (C100) expresses sympathy for the victims of the mass murder at a Pittsburgh synagogue yesterday and support for all those affected. Press reports strongly suggest that this act was a hate crime, motivated by the desire to harm a community through a heinous act of violence. Anti-Semitism has a long history in Western culture. This crime occurred at the heart of a Jewish neighborhood. The alleged perpetrator participated in social media that promoted racial nationalism.

As an organization that emphasizes bridge building and civic engagement, C100 believes it is crucial to reach out to our friends and colleagues of Jewish background. America is commonly called a nation of immigrants. It succeeds in that project only through the mutual support given by diverse peoples to one another. Minorities are always vulnerable, but America is especially divided at this moment; it is all the more important for people who share a commitment to ideals of inclusion to support one another publicly. “Shelo ted’u od tza’ar.”

The Committee of 100 is a national, non-partisan leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts. For 30 years, the Committee has been committed to a dual mission of promoting the full participation of Chinese Americans in all fields of American life, and encouraging constructive relations between the peoples of the United States and Greater China.



联络人:吴华扬, 百人会会长
[email protected] 或 212-371-6565





(美国纽约州纽约市,2018年10月28日) — 百人会对昨日在匹兹堡犹太教堂内发生的枪击案中不幸的受害者深表同情,并对所有受痛苦影响者表达支持。媒体报道强烈显示,这是一起仇恨与犯罪的案子,动机是妄图通过令人发指的暴力行径伤害一个少数群组。其实,反犹太主义在西方文化中有着长久的历史。这起犯罪发生在犹太人聚居区的中心,涉案凶手已经在社交媒体上参与了煽动种族民族主义。

作为一个强调桥梁建设和公民参与的组织,百人会相信,向我们犹太传统的朋友和同僚伸出援手是至关重要的。众所周知,美国被称为移民塑造的国家。伟大的美国是由于多元化群体之间的相互支持,才能取得那么大的成功。但是,现在的美国面临着格外的分歧,单独的少数族裔总是脆弱的;所以,越是如此,对于所有共同致力于包容性理想的群体,公开支持彼此越为重要。“Shelo ted’u od tza’ar” (希伯来语“愿你不再受到痛苦和悲伤”)。



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