Next Generation Leaders Service Projects

Each year, Committee of 100’s Next Generation Leaders class develops a series of service projects dedicated to supporting the dual mission of Committee of 100. The service projects are designed to showcase the positive social impact and community building that Committee of 100’s NGLs work toward in collaborating with Committee of 100 Members, staff and the AAPI community at large. 

Class of 2024: Honoring the Legacy: Valor of Asian Americans in the U.S.

Despite comprising 6% of active-duty service members and 8% of Department of Defense (DOD) civilians in 2022, Asian Americans are notably absent from top-tier leadership roles. Only 3 in every 100 DoD Senior Executive Service (SES) are Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI).

This service project is creating a series of portraits and stories recognizing AAPI military heroes of the past, painted by Next Generation Leader June Xu. Highlighting the contributions of AAPI servicepeople underscores the importance of diversity within the military, fostering an inclusive environment that values and respects all ethnic backgrounds.​ It also showcases the achievements of AAPI servicepeople which can inspire youth from AAPI communities to consider military service, helping to attract and retain a diverse pool of talent.

Read Committee of 100 announcement

Read U.S. Air Force announcement

Class of 2024: Asianticity

Committee of 100 has announced that a subcommittee from its Next Generation Leaders Class of 2024 is launching a research project looking at how the AANHPI community feels about how the AANHPI community itself is represented in film and television, testing the ‘Asianticity’ of the project.  The data and feedback garnered could help drive creative directions for studio and content producers in order to unlock new opportunities at revenue streams and better connections with AANHPI audiences. The subcommittee will unveil their findings at Committee of 100’s Annual Conference & Gala taking place on April 25-26 in Los Angeles, California.

Class of 2023 Service Project: Breaking Career Ceilings and Feeling Comfortable In Your Own Skin

The metrics of professional success and the career challenges that Asians face are not only about climbing up the ladder of an organization, industry, or profession. People in different fields have different values and goals, not limited to pursuing leadership positions. Cultural differences, a history of stereotyping and even unconscious bias can all be foundational elements for the challenges that Asians face when advancing in the workplace. Being comfortable in one’s own skin is a challenge that faces the Asian population on a daily basis. Committee of 100’s Next Generation Leaders program convened a panel of experts across business, government ,the performing arts, and academia to share stories, experiences, and strategies for breaking through career ceilings faced by Asians in the U.S. workplace. We hope that you can apply their insights and actionable takeaways to your own career as we collectively seek to break barriers, challenge assumptions, and create a more inclusive and equitable future for all.


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Class of 2023 Service Project: Assessing Barriers and Needs for New York State Middle School Teachers Adapting AAPI Curriculum: An Information Gathering Project

In the United States, we see growing legislative movements and community interests to ensure that Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) history is mandated and taught in the K-12 curriculum. While there is an increasing body of AAPI curricular material available for teachers, creating teacher buy-in to teach AAPI studies still needs to be better understood. In 2023, there were bills introduced to mandate the inclusion of Asian American and Pacific Islander History in New York’s public school curriculums. Through survey data, Committee of 100’s Next Generation Leaders initiative highlighted gaps and barriers from 6th-8th grade (middle school) teachers in New York in implementing AAPI curriculum in the classroom. The survey received over 1,600 responses from middle school teachers in New York about their experiences teaching AAPI curriculum.


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