The Committee of 100’s 2019 China Conference Seeks to Bridge Mutual Understanding through Dialogue
Press Releases

The Committee of 100’s 2019 China Conference Seeks to Bridge Mutual Understanding through Dialogue

9th December 2019

Contact: Siyuan Meng 

[email protected] or 212-371-6565

Over 500 leaders convene to discuss the future of cross-border collaborations in light of the 40-year anniversary of US-China relations

Shanghai, China, December 9, 2019 – Yesterday, the Committee of 100 (C100) – a non-profit American organization of prominent and extraordinary Chinese Americans, concluded its 2019 Greater China Conference and Gala in Shanghai. Against the backdrop of a changing US-China relationship, the two-day conference convened over 500 leaders and executives from government, business, and academia to share their insights and perspectives into the future of business collaborations.

Forty years of US-China relations have fostered great synergies in business connectivity and cultural exchanges. However, there remains differences in approaches and mindsets. In this context, it is imperative to continue advancing dialogues and relationships between the people and leaders of both nations.

“At the pivotal moment of US-China relations, we are honored to have so many illustrious leaders and esteemed speakers and guests joining us to explore this important topic.” Mr. H. Roger Wang, Chairman and CEO of Golden Eagle International Group and Chair of C100, said, “For thirty years, C100 has been bridging understanding between the US and China through constructive dialogues and engagement. We hope the conference can help bring together different viewpoints and find common ground towards a future that is inclusive and beneficial for all.”

(C100 Members at the Conference)

Founded by a group of prominent Chinese Americans including famed architect I.M. Pei and renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma, C100 hosts conferences and events in the US and China, bringing together top leaders and influencers to reflect on timely and critical issues in the US-China relationship in hopes of further advancing the dialogues between both sides. Reflecting on this significant milestone, this year’s conference discussed how the next wave of innovation from industries such as consumer goods, fintech, healthcare, as well as general cross-market access can impact business collaborations between the two countries.

Mr. Sean Stein, Consul General at the US Consulate General in Shanghai, said, “I would like to thank the members of C100 for your efforts to promote dialogue and mutual understanding between the United States and China. I believe C100 has a vital role to play in facilitating dialogue between China and the United States.”

The conference also included the C100 Scholars Program (CSP) 2019 Awards Ceremony, awarding a new cohort of 56 students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in the fields of social services, innovation & entrepreneurship, and US-China relations.

Dr. Carter Tseng, Founder and CEO of the Little Dragon Foundation and Co-Chair of CSP Executive Committee, said, “We are excited to welcome this year’s cohort of students. These students are at the forefront of their generation. Against the backdrop of a rapidly changing global landscape, we hope that these leaders of tomorrow will play a key role in helping bridge better understanding and exchanges between US and China in the future.”

Established in 2005, and formerly known as the Leadership Scholarship Program, the CSP aims to foster the leadership potential young Chinese scholars and encourage better understanding and exchanges between the two countries. This year, the CSP expanded to include both Chinese students and American students who study in China. The CSP partners with 23 leading Chinese and American academic institutions – such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Jiaotong University, New York University Shanghai, and Duke Kunshan University.




The Committee of 100 (C100) is a non-profit leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts. Founded by world renowned architect I.M. Pei and internationally acclaimed cellist Yo-Yo Ma, among others, it is an institution for U.S. citizens of Chinese heritage to join by invitation based on their extraordinary achievements. For 30 years, C100 has served as a preeminent organization committed to the twin missions of promoting full participation of Chinese Americans in all aspects of American life and encouraging constructive relations between the peoples of the United States and Greater China.


The C100 Scholars Program (CSP), formerly named the Leadership Scholarship Program, was launched in 2005 with the goal of recognizing and fostering the leadership potential of young Chinese scholars. Expanded to include U.S. scholars this year, the program aims to encourage better understanding and exchange between younger generation on both sides.




2019 百人会大中华年会:加强对话,增加互信


Contact: Siyuan Meng 

[email protected] or 212-371-6565



2019129日,上海 昨日,由杰出美籍华人组成的美国非营利组织百人会(简称:C100)在上海成功举办2019百人会大中华年会暨晚宴。正值中美建交40周年,500余位来自政界、商界、学术界等领域的领袖和嘉宾齐聚一堂,共商在双边关系不断发展的大背景下商业合作的未来。中美关系40年来的发展极大地促进了两国的经贸合作和文化交流,但差异依然存在。因此,继续加强对话,促进理解尤为重要。、

金鹰国际集团公司董事长兼首席执行官、百人会理事会主席王恒先生(H. Roger Wang)表示:“本次年会恰逢中美关系的关键时刻,我们非常荣幸邀请到众多杰出领导人和嘉宾共聚一堂,探讨这个重要议题。30年来,百人会一直致力于搭建中美之间的桥梁,通过建设性沟通和对话,增进彼此理解和互信。我们希望通过本次年会汇聚多元观点,求同存异,集各界力量共建一个包容、普惠、共赢的未来。”


美国驻上海总领事馆总领事谭森先生(Mr. Sean Stein)表示:“感谢百人会的会员们在加强美国和中国之间的交流和互信所作的工作。我相信百人会将在促进中美之间的交流方面发挥重要作用。”


活动期间,2019百人会英才学者奖颁奖典礼完美落幕,56名优秀的中国大学生和在华留学的美籍学生得到表彰。晓龙基金会创始人兼首席执行官、百人会英才学者奖执行委员会联席主席曾宪章博士(Dr. Carter Tseng)表示:“我们很高兴欢迎本届获奖的百人会英才学者。他们都是具有开拓精神的新时代精英。在这日新月异、充满挑战的当今世界,我们期待这些年轻有为的新生力量,在促进中美之间的交流与合作上扮演更加重要的作用,继续维护和发展中美之间的友好关系。”








百人会英才学者奖(前身为英才奖LSP)发起于2005年, 旨在支持中国培育学养俱佳、 德才兼备的新世代精英。本年度扩大奖项授予在华留学的美国留学生。该项目旨在促进中美青年的交流。百人会英才奖注重学生的综合能力,获奖者不仅专业表现突出、热心 公益,更具备思想力、领导力和创新力等领袖潜质。

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