Committee of 100 Names John S. Chen as Chairman
(New York-May 4, 2009)–John S. Chen, Chairman, CEO and President of Sybase, Inc. has been elected as Committee of 100’s Chairman effective from May 4, 2009.
Chen is a recognized expert on global business and international trade. He has served as Chairman, CEO and President of Sybase, Inc. since 1998. Under his leadership, Sybase has become the industry leader in enterprise mobility infrastructure. In acknowledging his business leadership, Forbes magazine named Chen one of the Top 25 Notable Chinese Americans in Business.
Chen is actively involved in international relations. He has testified before Congress on U.S.–China trade relations. In 2005, U.S. President George W. Bush appointed him to serve on the President’s Export Council. In 2006, he was appointed co-chair of the Secure Borders and Open Doors Advisory Committee. In recognition of his leadership in building U.S.-Asia business relationship, the California-Asia Business Council has presented him the New Silk Road Award. Chen is also active in the community. He is a trustee of CalTech and a governor of the San Francisco Symphony.
“As Chinese Americans, members of the Committee of 100 have been playing a unique role in bridging the United States and Greater China and encouraging the full participation of Chinese Americans in American society,” said John Chen, “As we embark on our third decade, there is even greater opportunity for the Committee’s involvement. I am honored to be elected at this critical juncture and will work closely with the distinguished membership to achieve our missions.”
Founded in 1989, the Committee of 100 (C-100) is a national non-partisan, nonprofit membership organization comprised of prominent Chinese Americans in a broad range of professions. With members’ knowledge and experience, the Committee has dedicated its efforts to a dual mission: (1) encouraging constructive relations between the peoples of the United States and Greater China, and (2) encouraging the full participation of Chinese Americans in all aspects of American life.
Contact: Ms. An Ping
(917) 670-5871
[email protected]
(纽约–2009 年 5 月 4 日)—Sybase 公司董事會主席、總裁兼首席執行官程 守宗被推選爲百人會會長並于 2009 年 5 月 4 日起正式上任。
程先生被公認爲全球商業及國際貿易專家。他自 1998 年 11 月起擔任 Sybase 公司主席、總裁兼首席執行官至今。在他領導下,Sybase 占據企業 級移動架構領域的全球領先地位,並顯著提高了數據管理市場地位。《福布 斯》雜志最近評出 25 位在商業界創出非凡成就的著名美籍華裔企業家,他 名列其中。
程守宗積極參與國際關系事務。他曾獲邀到美國國會就中美貿易關系作證。 2005 年,他受美國前總統喬治•布什委任出任出口事務總統委員會委員。一 年後,他再被委任爲邊界安全與門戶開放咨詢委員會主席。爲表彰其對美中 經貿關系做出的傑出貢獻,美國加州—亞洲商業理事會授予他 2007 年“新 絲綢之路獎”。
程守宗先生積極參與社會服務,他現任加州理工學院理事和舊金山交響樂團 董事會成員。
程守宗說:“作爲美國華裔,百人會會員在建立美國和大中華地區間更緊密 的關係以及鼓勵華人充分參與美國社會等方面發揮了獨特的作用。在百人會 第三個十年即將開始之際,百人會將有更多的機會參與社會。在這個重要的 承前啓後時刻,我很榮幸被選爲百人會會長。我必將與我們傑出的會員們一 道共同努力、密切合作,以完成我們的使命。”
百人會成立于 1989 年,是非黨派、非營利的全國性會員組織,會員由美籍 華裔組成,他們均在美國各行各業中擔任領導職務,他們集中優勢和經驗以 完成其雙重使命,即推動美中兩國之間富有建設性的關係、全面推動美國華 裔參與美國社會。
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