Contact: Holly Chang, Executive Director
[email protected] or 212-371-6565
Committee of 100 Issues Letter of Support in Peter Liang Case
and Urges Chinese American Community to Engage in Constructive Action
(New York, NY, February 22, 2016) — The Committee of 100 has sent a letter to Judge Danny Chun of the Supreme Court of New York, Kings County, regarding the case of People vs. Peter Liang. The Committee urged the judge to render a fair and just decision commensurate with the applicable laws and circumstances of Mr. Liang’s case.
The Committee of 100 empathizes with the African American community over the loss of black lives without justification at the hands of law enforcement. We extend our sympathies to the family and friends of Akai Gurley and urge collective action to address long standing systemic issues of disparities in the criminal justice system.
At the same time, the Committee also supports appropriate and fair prosecution of these matters. A judicial system that indicts people selectively is troubling and contrary to our country’s treasured principle of equal treatment under the law. The Committee fully understands the anger and frustration of many in the Chinese American community who believe that former officer Liang was singled out as a scapegoat.
“We understand how the community feels, and are heartened to see people coming together with a strong voice,” says Herman Li, Committee of 100 Acting Chairman. “We strongly urge supporters to channel their frustrations into constructive actions to help former Officer Liang and his family move forward within the legal process.”
The Committee noted in its letter that the evidence in the case pointed to an unintentional blunder by a frightened, inexperienced policeman who may not have been fully trained or adequately supported. As importantly, Liang does not appear to be a danger to society.
“How Peter Liang is treated in this case will signal to Asian Americans whether we are equal members of society, Li adds. “As concerned Chinese Americans, we should and will continue to fight for equal treatment of Chinese and Asian Americans under the law.”
See below or click here for full text of the letter.
The Committee of 100 is an international non-partisan leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts. For over 25 years, the Committee has been committed to a dual mission of promoting the full participation of Chinese Americans in all fields of American life, and encouraging constructive relations between the peoples of the United States and Greater China.
联系人: 张虹琳,执行总裁
[email protected] or 212-371-6565
(2016年2月22日,纽约州纽约市)百人会今天已就梁彼得案致信纽约州国王郡最高法院法官郑丹尼(Danny Chun)。我会敦促法官就梁先生案作出与该案适用法律及境况相符的公正、公平的裁决。
百人会同情非裔美国人社区在缺乏正当理由情况下丧失于执法部门之手的那些黑人生命。我们对Akai Gurley的亲友表示慰问,并敦促集体行动解决刑事司法体系长期促在的、系统性偏差问题。
“我们理解社区的感受,并为大家集聚发出的有力声音而鼓舞,”百人会代理会长李渊祈说。 “我们强烈敦促支持者将他们的沮丧转化为建设性的行动,在梁警员经历司法程序的过程中为梁警员及其家人给以帮助。”
百人会是由商界、政界、学术界和艺术界杰出的华裔美国人组成的的国际性非党派领导机构。 25年来,百人会一直致力于其双重使命,推动华裔美国人在美国各个领域的全面参与,并推进美国与大中华地区人民之间的建设性关系。
Committee of 100 Press Coverage:
February 26, 2016: The UK Wants To Be China’s Best Friend, Why Not The US? | Forbs
February 24, 2016: United Asian American Groups Hold Rallies, Urge Fair Ruling for Ex-NY Cop Peter Liang | Asian Fortune
February 23, 2016: Committee of 100 Issues Letter of Support in Peter Liang Case | Asian American Press
February 16, 2016: Chinese-American professionals wage civil rights movement against U.S. spying accusations | San Jose Mercury News