Committee of 100 Urges Constructive Dialogue and Mutual Cooperation Around Affirmative Action in Higher Education
(New York, NY, October 24, 2017) — Admissions policies in higher education are being debated again. From the ongoing 2014 lawsuit by Students for Fair Admission against Harvard University alleging discrimination against Asian Americans by holding them to higher admissions standards, to the Justice Department’s current investigation of the same alleged race-based discrimination in Harvard’s admission policies, Asian Americans are finding themselves at the center of the affirmative action debate. These charges of bias are serious and should be investigated. Yet, in the ongoing discussion, the Committee of 100 urges all stakeholders to engage in thoughtful and constructive dialogue, and to refrain from rhetoric or actions that would pit one racial group against another and be unnecessarily divisive or counterproductive.
Providing the best education for the next generation is an essential part of the American Dream. Many immigrants have made major sacrifices so that their children can have the best educational opportunities. The Committee of 100 recognizes the anxiety and concerns of Asian American parents that potential racial discrimination may diminish educational opportunities for their children and deprive them of equal access to the American Dream. Asian Americans, native-born and immigrant alike, wish to be treated as individuals, not discriminated against unfairly on the basis of their race or ethnicity.
That Asian Americans are making their voices heard around this issue is commendable. For too long, Asian Americans have been stereotyped as being unwilling to stand up and speak out. But now, they have risen to their feet and are advocating for their equal rights.
Yet in the bigger picture, it is important to remember that Asian Americans have also benefited from civil rights protections and programs that promote diversity, whether they have been called “affirmative action.” Beyond education, Asian Americans will continue to require and rely on such protections and programs, especially in the workplace and in government contracts where qualified Asian Americans still often encounter glass ceilings or discriminatory treatment.
At the same time, in the realm of higher education, efforts to increase diversity among other minorities do not have to come at the expense of Asian American students. In fact, in the current lawsuit against Harvard, any discrimination Asian students may face is unrelated to such overall diversity efforts.
The issues around higher education access are complex but not new. All families, not just Asian Americans, want the best educational opportunities for their children. Addressing these complex issues will require a willingness on the part of those involved to explore a variety of creative solutions, from expanding seats at colleges and universities to improving college access for disadvantaged students, among other possibilities.
Questions of access to higher education have now become a political issue as much as a legal issue. As we await action from the Justice Department, Asian Americans would do well to proactively reach out to other concerned Americans to seek long-term solutions and redress beyond the courts. For the collective and long-term future of our children and the future of America, we need to work together to ensure equal opportunity and equal protection for all. A diverse and inclusive society only makes America stronger. Achieving this will require the wisdom, ingenuity, resources, trust, and goodwill of all involved, and a shared commitment to each other as fellow Americans.
The Committee of 100 is an international, non-partisan leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts. For over 25 years, the Committee has been committed to a dual mission of promoting the full participation of Chinese Americans in all fields of American life, and encouraging constructive relations between the peoples of the United States and Greater China.
[email protected] 或 212-371-6565
(美国纽约州纽约市,2017年10月24日) — 高等院校录取政策再次陷入争论。从2014年起且至今一直在进行的由“学生争取公平录取”(Students for Fair Admission)组织对哈佛大学的诉讼,哈佛大学被控对亚裔学生持有更高的录取标准;直到近来,司法部开始调查在哈佛大学录取政策中可能存在的“种族歧视”,亚裔美国人发现自己正置身于平权法案之争的中心。这些关于偏见的指控非常严重,且应该展开调查;然而在这场持续的争论中,百人会敦促所有利益相关方展开深入而有建设性的对话,并且节制其言行,以避免造成种族对立和不必要的分裂,效果适得其反。
亚裔美国人在此问题上发声,值得称赞。长期以来,针对亚裔美国人的刻板印象一直是不愿挺身而出和公开表态 。而如今,他们已经站了起来,推动其自身的平等权利。