
An Advice and Networking Event: Financial Services, Investing and Consulting

Peter Young

About the Webinar

We are pleased to invite you to the 38th event organized by the Committee of 100 Asian American Career Ceilings Initiative. This virtual event will enable Asian Americans of all ages to get valuable career advice from experienced and successful Asian Americans in the Financial Services, Investing and Consulting professions. We expect to hold this event for different clusters of professions in the future.

We will use an electronic, virtual “ballroom” where experienced Asian American advisors will host individual tables that attendees can join. The attendees will have a list of the experienced advisors in advance and will be able to choose which tables they want to visit to get career advice and to ask questions. The attendees will be able to move from table to table as they wish during the one hour and 15-minute event.

This will be a unique opportunity to explore these professions with experienced practitioners and make personal connections. Discussions will be frank and informative as each table host will answer your questions and share personal insights about their profession, including both the upsides and the downsides.

We hope this event will help those who are either just starting out or are in the early to mid-stages of their career enhance their career planning. We hope that this event will help career professionals overcome obstacles and accelerate their careers.


Peter Young
CEO and President
Young & Partners

Peter Young is CEO and President of Young & Partners, a boutique corporate strategy and investment banking firm focused on the life science and chemical industries. He manages the firm and is actively involved in client projects, transactions, and financings. Under his leadership, Young & Partners has established and maintained its position as a highly regarded firm serving the corporate strategy, M&A, restructuring, and financing needs of clients worldwide. He was previously head of industry groups at Salomon Brothers, Schroders, and Lehman Brothers, a senior private equity executive with J.H. Whitney & Co., and a senior member of Bain & Co., a corporate strategy firm.   

Mr. Young received a BA in Economics from Yale, an MS in Accounting from NYU, and an MBA from Harvard Business School where he graduated as a Baker Scholar. He is a CPA and a Chartered Global Management Accountant. He serves on several boards of directors, both corporate and non-profit; and is a board member of Société de Chimie Industrielle, a leading life science and chemical industry non-profit organization; and on the Editorial Advisory Board of Pharmaceutical Executive. He is also the New York Regional Chair for Committee of 100. 


Wednesday, November 14, 2024 @ 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM Eastern Time



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