![Senator Inouye Senator Inouye](http://committee100.typepad.com/.a/6a00e5520895f58833017c3568436f970b-320wi)
The Committee of 100 mourns the death of Senator Daniel Inouye and extends our warmest sympathy to his family.
Senator Inouye was a trailblazer in leading the progress of Asian Americans in the United States. For more than half a century, Senator Inouye has been a paragon of public service and personal sacrifice. Along with his wife Irene Hirano Inouye, the Senator actively advanced the Committee of 100’s mission of bridging US-China relations and empowering the Asian American community. Mrs. Inouye is a devoted member of the C100 Advisory Council.
America lost a giant in Senator Daniel Inouye. The Committee of 100 will greatly miss our friend, teacher, and hero.