For Immediate Release
Henry Paulson, Lu He, James E. Rogers, Laura M. Cha and Cai Guo-Qiang Receive awards from Committee of 100
(New York City, NY–May 12, 2011)—Committee of 100, an organization of prominent Chinese Americans presented four awards in The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Temple of Dendur in New York City during its 20th Annual Conference.
The recipients were:
Henry M. Paulson Jr., The 74th U.S. Treasury Secretary for Leadership Award for Advancing U.S.-China Relations
Liu He, Vice Chairman, Office of the Central Leading Group on Financial and Economic Affairs and CPC Secretary and Vice President, Development Research Center of the State Council
James E. Rogers, Chairman, President, and CEO, Duke Energy for Business Excellence
Laura M. Cha, Deputy Chairman, HSBC Investment Asia for Philanthropy
Cai Guo-Qiang, Contemporary artist for Chinese in America Achievement
Secretary Paulson served under President George W. Bush as the 74th Secretary of the Treasury from July 2006 until January 2009. As Treasury Secretary, Paulson was the President’s leading policy advisor on a broad range of domestic and international economic issues. Before going to the Treasury Department, Paulson had a thirty-two year career at Goldman Sachs serving as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer since the firm’s initial public offering in 1999. He is also involved in a range of conservation and environmental initiatives having served as Chairman of The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Chairman of the Board of Directors for The Nature Conservancy and was Co-Chairman of its Asia/Pacific Council. Prior to joining Goldman Sachs, Paulson was a member of the White House Domestic Council, serving as Staff Assistant to the President from 1972 to 1973, and as Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon from 1970 to 1972.
Liu He is a famous economist who has focused on macroeconomics, industrial structure, new economic theory and the information industry. Liu has been innovative in his research in these fields since 1987. In recent years, he has published 200 articles, three of which won the National 1st Science Award. He has also published 4 monographs, including research on the concepts and practice of Chinese Industry Policy, the rapid increase of the Chinese Economy, enterprise management and developing economic theory. Currently he is the most influential middle-aged economist in China.
James Rogers became chairman, president and CEO of Duke Energy in 2007, having served as chairman and CEO of Cinergy since 1994 and PSI Energy since 1988. He is chair of the Institute for Electric Efficiency, past co-chair of the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency and a board member of the Alliance to Save Energy. He is a director of Cigna Corp. and Applied Materials Inc. He serves on the boards and Executive Committees of the Nuclear Energy Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. He is a board member of the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations and Business Roundtable. He is a lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the Honorary Committee of the Joint U.S.-China Collaboration on Clean Energy. Newsweek named Rogers to The Global Elite list, “The 50 Most Powerful People in the World in 2008.”
Laura Cha is a member of the Executive Council of the Government of Hong Kong and Non-Executive Deputy Chairman of The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, the Asia Pacific subsidiary of HSBC Holdings plc of which she is a Non-Executive Director. Cha was Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) from January 2001 to September 2004. She was appointed to the post by the State Council and became the first person outside Mainland China to join the Central Government of the People’s Republic of China at the vice-ministerial rank. Prior to her post at the CSRC, Mrs. Cha worked in the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong from 1991 to 2000, becoming its Deputy Chairman in 1998.
Cai Guo-Qiang was trained in stage design at the Shanghai Theater Academy. His work has since crossed multiple mediums within art, including drawing, installation, video and performance art. While living in Japan from 1986 to 1995, he explored the properties of gunpowder in his drawings, an inquiry that eventually led to his experimentation with explosives on a massive scale and to the development of his signature explosion events. Drawing upon Eastern philosophy and contemporary social issues as a conceptual basis, these projects and events aim to establish an exchange between viewers and the larger universe around them, utilizing a sitespecific approach to culture and history.
John S. Chen, Chairman of the Committee of 100, said: ““The Committee of 100 is delighted to recognize these individuals for their outstanding achievements in their respective field. Their success is an inspiration to C-100 in pursuing our mission which promotes constructive relations between the U.S. and Greater China and full participation of Chinese Americans in all fields of American life.”
COMMON GROUND, this year’s theme at the 20th Annual Conference provided a forum for government and business leaders to discuss key developments in U.S.-China relations and Chinese American progress. Specific topics of discussion include: social and economic change within the two countries, challenges faced in developing sustainable cities, emergence of new markets in the U.S. and China and best practices for Asian talent management in global companies.
The 20th Annual Conference Co-Chairs are Clarence Kwan, National Managing Partner, Chinese Services Group, Deloitte LLP; James M. Li, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs; and Lulu C. Wang, Chief Executive Officer, Tupelo Capital Management LLC.
The Committee of 100 is a leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts. For over 20 years, the Committee has served as a substantive bridge in the U.S.- China dialogue by fostering regular exchanges with the leadership of Beijing, Taipei, and Washington. Members of the Committee of 100 are leading U.S. citizens of Chinese descent who leverage their collective influence, resources and experiences to address important topics shaping U.S.-China relations as well as issues affecting the Chinese American community.
Contact: Ms. An Ping at 212-872-7259/917-670-5871 (mobile); [email protected]
前美國財政部長亨利•保爾森、中央小組辦公室副主任,國務院發展研究中心黨組書記、 副主任劉鶴、杜克能源公司董事長及首席執行官詹姆斯•羅格斯、香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 副主席史美倫和藝術家蔡國強獲獎
(美國紐約市-5 月 12 日)– 百人會於 12 晚在第二十屆年會盛大晚宴上向前美國財政部長亨利•保 爾森和中央小組辦公室副主任、國務院發展研究中心黨組書記、副主任劉鶴頒發“促進中美關係 領導者獎”,以表彰他對中美關係所做出的傑出貢獻。此外,杜克能源董事長、總裁兼總執行官 吉米•羅杰斯將獲“商業傑出獎”,香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司副主席史美倫獲“慈善事業獎”, 當代藝術家蔡國強將被授予“美國華人成就獎”。頒獎儀式在紐約大都會博物館舉行,來自政 府、商界等五百多位來賓出席晚宴。
亨利•保爾森於 2006 年至 2009 年在小布什總統任職期間擔任美國第 74 屆財政部長。作為財政部 長的保爾森是布什總統國內國際經濟政策的關鍵顧問。在出任美國財政部長之前,保爾森在高盛 集團任職 32 年並在高盛集團 1999 年首次公開上市后擔任董事長和首席執行官。保爾森同時也積 極參與環境保護活動,他現任 Peregrine 基金會的主席和大自然保護協會董事會主席,曾經擔任大 自然保護協會亞太委員會的聯席主席。在加入高盛集團之前,保爾森曾為白宮內政委員會成員, 並於 1972 至 1973 年間擔任總統幕僚助理,於 1970 至 1972 年間在五角大樓擔任國防部長幕僚助 理。
劉鶴是中央財經領導小組辦公室副主任、國務院發展研究中心黨組書記、副主任。2011 年 3 月 起任國務院發展研究中心黨組書記、副主任。2003 年 3 月起任中央財經領導小組辦公室副主 任,分管宏觀經濟政策和經濟發展方面工作,參與每年國家主席在中央經濟工作會議上的報告起 草和宏觀經濟政策工作,是十六屆三中、五中、六中全會和十七大、十七屆四中、五中全會文件 重要執筆人。2001 年至 2003 年,任國務院信息化工作辦公室副主任,主管電子政務和國際合 作。此前劉鶴曾長期在國家計委工作,參與歷次五年計劃的制定工作,主持制定若干國家產業政 策,1998 年負責國家信息中心工作。經濟學家論壇“中國經濟 50 人論壇”的發起和主持人,也是 北京大學、中國人民大學的兼職教授,博士生及博士后導師。
詹姆斯•羅格斯自 2007 年以來擔任杜克能源公司董事長及首席執行官。在此之前,羅格斯自 1988 年開始擔任 PSI 能源公司董事長及首席執行官。1994 年起,羅格斯擔任辛辛那提能源公司董事長 及首席執行官。羅格斯在電力效率學院擔任主席,曾任國家能源有效利用行動計劃組的聯席主席 及節約能源聯盟委員會成員。他現任信諾保險公司及應用材料公司的董事, 也是核能學院和可持 續發展世界商業理事會成員。羅格斯也是核能運作及商業圓桌會議委員會理事。他是美國外交關 係協會的終身會員和中美清潔能源合作組的名譽委員。《新聞周刊》將羅格斯列為 2008 年全球 最有影響力 50 人之一。
史美倫現為香港特別行政區行政會議非官守成員,滙豐控股有限公司非執行董事及其亞太區子公 司,香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司的副主席。史女士于2001年獲中華人民共和國國務院委任為中國 證券監督管理委員會副主席,是中國首位來自境外的副部級官員,至2004年9月卸任。史女士于 1991年至2000年任職香港證監會,並於1998年获晋升为副主席。史女士亦为多家亚洲上市公司 的非执行董事。
蔡國強出生于中国福建泉州,1985 年畢業於上海戲劇學院舞台美術系,1995 旅居美国纽约。二 十幾年來, 他的藝術足跡幾乎遍及所有的國際大展,並且在眾多世界著名的藝術殿堂舉辦展覽, 如紐約的大都會博物館、紐約現代美術館、倫敦的泰德現代美術館、巴黎的蓬皮杜當代藝術中心 等,主要作品永久收藏於這些美術館.2008 年在纽约古根汉美术馆成功举办了大型个人回顾展。他 也成功地實現了一大批規模宏大的藝術計劃, 如北京奧林匹克運動會開幕式。還跨領域與科學家、 服裝設計師、建筑師、作曲家、舞蹈家、電影導演等合作。他的藝術表現領域涉及裝置藝術、行 為藝術、觀念藝術、多媒體藝術等當代最為前衛性的藝術范圍,成為國際當代藝術領域中最受矚 目和最具開拓性的藝術家之一。
保爾森在獲獎演說中說道:“中美關係對於國際事務至關重要,因為有了最大的發達國家和最大的 發展中國家的參與,任何全球問題 — 不管是經濟,國家安全,或者是環境保護問題,都會更容易 解決。我對百人會表示感謝,感謝他們給我頒發這個獎,也感謝他們對加強中美關係所做出的努 力。我希望與百人會繼續合作促進中美關係發展。”
劉鶴雖然未能來領獎, 但從北京致辭, 表示將繼續努力為中美雙邊的全方位戰略合作繼續努力。
史美倫在領獎時說:“非常感謝百人會頒發這個榮譽給我,能夠參與中國資本市場的發展是我的榮 幸,設立獎學金是我對中國的一點心意,希望更多年輕人放洋留學,增廣見聞,回國後可以參與 政府工作,為國家發展出力。
蔡國強評論到:“能從我所尊敬的華人前輩中獲得華人成就獎使我倍感榮幸。和他們相比,我所 處的時代要容易得多。感謝他們辛勤努力開拓的空間,也感謝美國寬廣的大地和天空,使我和家 人可以自由、平靜地生活,並在藝術上永無至盡、不急不躁地尋覓和追求。”
百人會會長程守宗說:“百人會很榮幸這幾位在各自領域做出傑出貢獻的人士。他們的成就對百人 會是一種啟發和激勵,我們會更積極推動中美兩國人民的互相了解,並鼓勵美美籍華人全面參與 美國社會。”
本屆年會的聯席主席是德勤中國業務部高級合夥人關德銓、高盛集團總經理李美生以及 Tupelo Capital Management LLC 首席執行官王周克璐。今年的會議主題為“求同存異”。會議雲集美中兩國 重量級人物,他們就有關中美關係和美國華裔所關心的熱點問題發表獨特的見解。大會的四個討 論會圍繞新境外市場、社會轉變對經濟和政治改革的影響、城市的可持續發展和亞裔管理跨國公 司的能力展開。
百人會是一個由在商業、政府、學術和藝術界的傑出美籍華人組成的精英領袖組織。二十年來, 百人會保持與北京、台北和華盛頓領導人定期的交流,成為中美對話的高端橋樑。百人會會員均 為成功的美籍華裔,他們聚集各自的經驗、資源和影響力,致力於推动中美關係,并关注和解决 美國華裔群體的重要問題。