C100 and UC Hastings Co-host Discussion of Xiaoxing Xi’s Espionage Case

Frank H. Wu

On October 23, the Committee of 100, in partnership with the University of California Hastings College of the Law, Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus, and other leading Asian American organizations, hosted a panel discussion on the Professor Xi Xiaoxing espionage case. The event was hosted by C-100 member Frank Wu, and featured the personal testimony of Xiaoxing Xi’s daughter, Joyce Xi, on how the investigation of her father profoundly affected her family.

Screenshot 2015-11-06 15.49.28The dialogue explored the possibility of racial profiling in espionage cases, given the increase in charges being raised against members of the Asian American scientific community. The program, held at UC Hastings, featured remarks from C-100 member Frank Wu, Chancellor and Dean of UC Hastings; Victor Hwang, Deputy Director of Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach; Yaman Salahi, Staff Attorney at the Asian Law Caucus; Joyce Xi ; Peter Zeidenberg, Professor Xi’s defense attorney and Partner at Arent Fox; and Helen Zia, award-winning author and journalist.

This event is a continuation of C-100’s historic efforts to promote due process and equal protection for Chinese Americans and Asian Americans, including hosting educational seminars on the risks and requirements posed by complex U.S. laws on trade secrets, espionage, and export controls. To learn more about C-100’s ​​efforts to build educational and ​p​ublic ​a​wareness​ relating to Asian Americans and economic espionage​, please follow this link.



Chinese-American Scientists in the Crosshairs | American Association for the Advancement of Science

Committee of 100 Seeks Justice for Xi Xiaoxing and Sherry Chen (百人會等為郗小星、陳霞芬討公道) | Word Journal (世界新闻网)

Committee of 100 Calls on the U.S. Attorney General to Address Racial Discrimination (百人会要求美司法部长关注种族歧视) | Voice of America (美国之音)

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Female Chinese American Scientist Loses Job after Being Accused of Leaking Secrets; Committee of 100 Urges the Department of Justice to Address Racial Discrimination (美国华裔女科学家被指泄密后遭解雇 “百人会”促司法部关注种族歧视) | Chicago Wind (芝加哥中文网)

Female Chinese American Scientist Loses Job after Being Accused of Leaking Secrets; Committee of 100 Urges the Department of Justice to Address Racial Discrimination (美華裔女科學家被指泄密後遭解雇 “百人會”促司法部關注種族歧視) | Sinovision (美国中文网)

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