Contact: Holly Chang, Executive Director
[email protected] or 212-371-6565
Committee of 100 Urges Focus on Mutual Interests in Trump-Xi Meeting
C100 Survey Reveals Hopes and Concerns of American and Chinese People for U.S.-China Relations,
Overwhelming Chinese Optimism Ahead of Xi’s Arrival
(New York, NY, April 6, 2017) — Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives in the United States for his first meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump today, bolstered by significant domestic Chinese support and increased Chinese optimism about the country’s trajectory. Initial findings from the forthcoming Committee of 100 (C100) U.S.-China Public Perceptions and Opinion Survey 2017 reveal that 92% of Chinese respondents think China is headed on the right track. Relative to four years ago, there is also greater Chinese support for China’s leaders to grow their international stature through diplomacy and take a global leadership role.
With more Chinese believing that the U.S.-China relationship will improve (32%) rather than worsen (23%) under the Trump administration, today’s first meeting comes with high expectations on both sides. “This moment is the opportune time for both countries and their leaders to set the bilateral relationship on a hopeful and mutually beneficial path,” said Frank H. Wu, Chairman of C100.
The C100 survey also revealed that while each country had concerns about the other – with Americans most worried about the trade deficit, loss of U.S. jobs to China, and cybersecurity, and the Chinese most concerned about the U.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific region and the issue of Taiwan – there were also areas of common concern around issues of climate change and North Korea.
For the first time, Americans and Chinese are in agreement about the main areas in which both countries would benefit from working together: trade, global financial stability, and the environment.
At this critical inflection point in U.S.-China relations, these areas of common interest between the two countries should invite expanded cooperation and creative collaboration at the highest levels. The Committee of 100 urges the leaders of both countries to seize this opportunity to focus on issues of mutual interest and exercise collective global leadership.
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet in March 2017. Source: U.S. Department of State
These initial findings are part of the full C100 U.S.-China Public Perceptions Survey 2017, planned for release in May 2017 at the C100 Annual Conference in Washington, D.C.
C100’s Opinion Survey project began in 1994 and produced surveys in 2001, 2005, 2007, 2012, and 2017. This year, the survey was conducted among 3,696 Chinese respondents and 1,019 American respondents between November 18 and December 23, 2016. Learn more about C100’s survey methodology here.
The Committee of 100 is a non-partisan leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, entertainment, and the arts. Established in 1990, the Committee has a long history of contribution to twin missions promoting the full participation and inclusion of Chinese Americans in all fields of American life, and encouraging constructive relations between the peoples of the United States and Greater China.
Contact: Holly Chang, Executive Director
[email protected] or 212-371-6565
(美国纽约州纽约市,2017年4月6日)——中国国家主席习近平今天抵达美国与美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)举行首次会晤,中国民众表示出对于国内政策和国家发展轨迹的大力支持与极大乐观。即将发布的百人会2017中美民意调研的初步结果显示,92%的中国民众认为中国处于正确方向。与四年前的结果相比较,中国民众更加支持国家领导人通过致力外交、发挥全球领导作用来增进中国的国际地位。
在这个中美关系的关键时刻,这些两国共同利益所在的领域应该在最高层次上进行更广泛合作和创造性协作。 百人会促请两国领导人抓住机遇,关注共同利益,施行共同的全球领导力。